Posted by Nanter1 on July 30, 2003, at 9:56:51
Hello everyone. First post. Glad to find this site and hope that you guys have some input for me.
I've played piano for many years, and after a 5 year break from it, I've decided to start again. I've started going to lessons again, and I've started experiencing some problems I've never had before.
I have been taking antidepressants of the SSRI variety for many years now (probably 8 years), and have had numerous side effects that are not commonly listed, including memory problems, muscle spasms, muscle rigidity, extremity pain (especially in my hands), tics, and others. After going to numerous doctors, including a neurologist, other medical conditions were ruled out and the consensus is now that these problems are a result of the SSRIs (currently Celexa).
I practice piano frequently, and whenever I do, my left hand gives me consistent pain and I find I have trouble with coordinating movements in it consistently (this also occurs in my right hand, but to a lesser extent). I feel there are subtle tics that reduce my ability to hit the chords properly and sometimes cause me to double hit or miss the correct rhythym.
Has any other musician on these drugs noticed these sorts of effects? I'll be darned if this medication is going to prevent me from playing again! I've long considered finding an alternative and getting off these poisons, but unfortunately every time I've stopped I've had serious relapses of my OCD (I am starting to believe that the severity of the relapses is exacerbated by the drug itself!), and have thusfar been unsuccessful. I have tried CBT (cognitive behavioral therapy), but I have had a difficult time seeing benefit and have not lasted at the different therapists I've seen.
Can anyone provide any insight into this? What do I need to do? Do I need to commit myself to finding a way to permanently getting off this poison?
Thanks in advance for any input/help you might have!