Posted by Rudi on August 4, 2003, at 9:09:54
Hi...starting Lexapro 10mg. today...takeing it for anxiety..which gives me palpations and chest tightness.....took 1 pill about 2 weeks ago..but got palpataions all scared and stopped.
I get anxious over trival things...boys running late for school..and I get the palps and chest tightness. The Dr. said this med. should let things just roll off my back easier.
I think the first time trying it ,I just had anxiety over taking it..! So trying it again today , hope I don't freak out.
I feel like a failure having to take it jsut to calm down and not be so uptight , especially with my boys..hate yelling so much.
I hope someone can relate .
The reason my palps. freak me out is that my sister and parents have died from heart attacks.
I had a stress test a few yrs ago.. my Dr. then put me on paxil...took it for a yr. it helped but I gained I stopped.
Does this make you gain...or just make you eat more , then you gain.
Thanks for listening...I'll be waiting a reply.