Posted by PhilipCarey on August 6, 2003, at 20:31:36
I must have read every post on Provigil on this board, and was particularly heartened by ISO's experience with this med.
I was gonna wait til this weekend to try it, because if a drug really effects me badly, I don't want to be at work when that happens... but couldn't resist a try. I took a puny 25 mgs. (better to start low in my view), and jotted down some notes on how I felt. So, FWIW, here they are:
Took my measly 25 mgs at about 7:50 this morning. Felt more energetic than usual, that's for sure, by the time I hit the office at 9. Felt better and better and probably from 10 to about 11:30 I felt absolutely great. Way better than just good. Then, as fast as that happened, I felt like I was coming down by noon, and in fact, from about 12:30 to 2:30 felt pretty seriously tired. Then that sort of went away by 3:30, and I felt like my usual self, only maybe a little more energized, and that's the way it's been up until now, as I write this at 9:20 this evening. That couple of hours in the middle of the day when I was profoundly tired is a little scary. Hopefully that's a transitory thing, that will go away with sustained usage.
Here's a bit of a disclaimer though. I doubt that it's normal at all to go through that spike and valley thing that I did. But that happens with every AD I've tried. I sometimes wonder if that is an indication of cyclothymia (is that a word?), and if that might be an indicator that I'm a candidate for a mood stabilizer. I dunno. Just thinking out loud, and hoping somebody will read that and chime in.
Another note about Provigil though. When I was feeling really good for a couple of hours, I felt like my thought processes were way faster than normal. Mentally, I was finishing people's sentences, and believe me, I'm no genius, but I did feel much qucker.
Quite a ride. I don't think I could do that every day though (the crash part). Think I'll wait til Friday afternoon to gived it another shot. Then I'll have Friday and Saturday to try it, and not have to worry about work.
Would welcome experienced Progivil user's thoughts. Wonder if anybody has experienced anything like I did, and how things turned out.
Sorry for the long post.