Posted by Jordan Rivers on September 6, 2003, at 17:13:19
Hi, I sure hope this gets posted, as I have spent hours getting registered and trying to send a message. I recently was given a perscription for 15 ADDERALL to help energize me after a surgical procedure requiring general anesthesia left me in a weakened state and it was necessary to get me up and walking.The perscribed dosage was 10mg. in the morning. I had never heard of "ADDERALL" and was told it was a strong stimulate, and they would give me only 15 because it was very addictive. I thought, yeah right, your talking to a 56 year old ex-Hippy/Marine who tried all the speed from Bennies to Preludin to crank in my earlier years.I took the initial dosage and felt absolutely nothing. The next morning I increased to 20mg., once againwith no effect. On day four I took 50mg. and felt no stimulation whatsoever.Upon returning home I looked up the medication and was surprised to find out it was composed of four Amphetamine Salts; essentially being Dexedrine and Benzedrine along with two other Amphetamine Salts.As I said, being 56 years old I had experienced both of these drugs recreationaly as well as in the Marine Corps to stay awake (and alive) on "Hot" patrols in Vietnam. I knew what it felt like to get a good speed high and I was surprised when I realized I had felt nothing from the ADDERALL.I knew Amphetamines were no longer perscribed for weight control etc. but I had no idea they are currently being perscribed almost exclusively for "ADD"; primarily in children but also adults, where they had a reverse effect, that of calming. This, of course, started me thinking about why I did not feel any stimulant effects from 50mg. of ADDERALL? I'm hoping it is not because I am "ADD" and the medication acted as it did because it was doing it's job. Can a person acquire onset of "ADD" later in life? Is ADDERALL formulated to keep the stimulate effect down on non-ADD people? I have other reasons to think I may have this condition but I won't go into that now. Please, someone respond, even if it is just to tell me I got this posted correctly. Thank you.
Jordan Rivers
poster:Jordan Rivers