Posted by dianna11 on October 9, 2003, at 9:21:39
I have been diagnosed with HA and I'm pretty confused about treatment options.
A little background:
I lost myperiods 2 years ago due to low bodyfat and excessive exercise. At the time, I was told it was my low dose birth control pill that stopped my periods and killed off my libido, but when I went off the pill the periods didn't return and haven't for over a year. My bodyfat and exercise level and food intake have been normal and healthy for a year and there has been no sign of hormone production. The Provera challenge didn't work, natural estrogen/progesterone made me want to hurl myself off a bridge, so much to my dismay, I've been put on a triphasic BCP. Thyroid and PCOS have been ruled out, its just a problem with the hypothalamus not pulsing GnRH.Dilemma:
I have read that exercise/low bodyfat causes HA because the continuous elevated cortisol has been and continues to inhibit GnRH pulse. I have been told by a Reproductive Endocrinologist that an opioid blocker like Naltrexone could easily restore GnRH pulse, but from what I read about this drug, in the doseage he recomended, it increases cortisol levels. Gah? I have also read that cortisol blockers could restore GnRH pulse. I'm so confused. I'll try anything at this point, I just want to know how it works.Rant:
I don't believe for a second that being on the BCP will somehow trick my system back into working, since it also shutts down GnRH pulse. I have learned far more about this subject than any corset maker should in an attempt to help myself,
since my doctor's reaction is simply "you're just one of those women who don't get periods, enjoy it! But no libido huh, that must suck" (jerk). I've also been to naturopaths, acupuncture, reike, Chinese medicine practitioners, and ingested the nastiest tasting herbs and tinctures on the planet to no avail. I must admit though
that I feel better after 2 days on the BCP than I have with anything else, but still no libido yet. I have cured my eating disorder and happily gained 20 pounds in less than a year - no problem. Getting a straight answer has been a nightmare. THis of course has been adding to my stress and as a newlywed who would like to have children, being frigid and infertile is NOT an emotionally happy place to be.I have read that some of you here have gone through this as well, any advice would be very much appreciated.