Posted by Clayton on November 3, 2003, at 17:59:17
I have had fairly seious mood depression for a number of years (coupled wirh SAD and insomnia). I finally found a PDoc who prescribed the right meds for me. Paxil and Remaron. The relief was indescribable and gave me back life and freedom.
Prior to this, a Family Practice Doc incorrectly diagnosed Bipolar disease. He prescribed lithium which did nothing, then tried Zyprexa which helped me sleep but did not help my depression at all. It simply erradicated all my emotions- good and bad. (This is equvilalent to taking away much of my humanity. No happiness, sadness joy, tears, exhaltation in music and beauty, real empathy, poinience....the works).
The new PDoc threw out the Zyprexa immediately (as-well-as prescrobing Paxil and Remaron). Unfortunately, about two months ago I did suddenly develope real bipolar symptoms. (Just yesterday, this cost me my family of twenty years). I've known I was in trouble and made an appointment with the PDOC. He agrees I am now bipolar and put me back on Zyprexa. I hate it...I despise giving up my feelings but I will do it for now because it gives me perhaps a 10% chance of getting my family back, a fair shot at keeping my job and of avoiding a cascading deteriorization off symptoms.
Who knows about this stuff and bipolar disease? I am 52 and have never had bipolar before and the onset was sudden. Might it be a temporary synptom brought on by recent severe stres? Or will it recurr forever? What are my chances of getting of the Zyprexa and/or other anti-psychotic mood stabalizers?
I know that there is a growing body of evidence that SSRIs like Paxil are anesthetics that eliminate all the peaks of emotions. They don't cleanly reduce anxiety alone. I sense it with Paxil. But to add Zyprexa and really wipe the emotioanl slate clean is a tough one to swallow.
Yes, I am pragmatic enough to take it as a temporary expediant. But what are my chances of getting off this drug for good?
Any informed advice or words of encouragement are welcome.