Posted by responsiblek9 on November 13, 2003, at 4:43:36
In reply to Effexor withdrawal symptoms!, posted by Becky on October 2, 1999, at 22:03:30
The effexor caused me internal intestinal hemmorage . Second SSRI to do so too. So now I have not just the gut pain but horrendous withdrawal symptoms. I never had this severe a withdrawal symptom form any SSRI before and I have been on Zoloft, paxil, and a few more I cant remember the names of . I have run out of meds I can try because of severe physical reactions most life threatening . But this one took the cake.
I already have physical problems with joint issues and this has made them unbearable. What can I do for these side effects. I am collapsing without warning ,with extreme weakness and heart arythmias and cant function. The sleep cycle reversed on me so I cant stay awake during the day and I am fighting that because with the sleep disorder I could not sleep but 4 hours a night for over two years. So I really need the 8 hours of sleep I am getting now. I was told ther SSRIs were not addictive. But this has not proven to be the case for this with me. I am pretty unhappy about it too. I have been given research stating otherwise from all over . And even found a letter stating from a researcher that patients should not be told these meds can be possibly addicting. I was actively trying to avoid addictive meds over the past 14 years because I know I have a problem with getting easily addicted to stuff from childhood issues. I am afraid to try anything else after two strikes in a row of this hemmoraging from SSRI"s and I cant take the MAOIs or the Tricyclics because of severe reactions to them previously.I have tried the atypicals like Seroquel and several like that and had several near fatal reactions here 5 years ago.
Currently I was on a low dosage of Effexor 37.5 for three months . Then went to 75mg per day split into two doses for 3 months. And I still got the near lethal reaction. I am so frustrated. Nothing that works has not ended up with these extreme problems with physical reactions that are so dangerous.
I am seeing my med doc tommorrow and bringing her the research papers that state the withdrawal symptoms and see if she knows how to help me get through this. The psych docs just scratch their heads and have told me " we dont know what to do"
The Effexor did have a funny effect when I was taking it though. It was like taking speed.
A real rush for a couple hours after I had taken it and would wear off in about 4 hours. Then I was at normal mode. Weird. I complained about the agitation problem it was causing and they gave me Alprazolam to try and remedy that. Wasn't working too well though . They may have to use the dosage the alprazolam works at as a SSRI reuptake and see if that will help. It is the only med I Dont have side effects with or physical reactions to. Odd . But I am scared of it because I know it is addictive . Catch 22 . Anyone else run into this dillemma . My poor therapist is spooked on this . And I am just miserable physically with the pain and weakness. I understand I had a rare reaction though. The meds works so well for many I know .
Frustrated in Colorado