Posted by Caleb462 on November 13, 2003, at 17:53:58
Well, today is day 3 on Bupernorphine (12 mg sublingual daily). I started bupe to control my opiate addiction, and it has worked wonders for that. My cravings are gone!!
But there's more to it than that.... my depression/anxiety/social phobia has decreased by atleast 80% since starting bupe. I'm also on Nardil, and hopefully nardil will give me a good response also, and my problems will get even better!
My only worry is that the anti-depressant/anti-anxiety effects of buprenorphine will fade, but I doubt they will - I've talked to people who have been on it long-term (both for opiate addiction and emotional issues), and I've been assured the effects will last.
Anyway, hope everyone is doing well. I know I am, and its the first time I've been well in a looooong time.