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Re: Depression question

Posted by bluesfan on December 29, 2003, at 11:09:34

In reply to Re: Depression question, posted by nicky847 on December 29, 2003, at 11:04:38

Sounds like you have gone through the same things that I am now. Things do seem worse when I'm around other people.....and sometimes I love being around others because it takes my mind off of things. It is very weird! Can you explain the rapid eye movement thing? I've only seen a therapist once, and I can't really afford to make it a regular routine. How long have you been on the Lexapro? I'm hoping that it will be the answer to all of my problems.

> The scariest thing for me in depression/anxiety is thoughts of hurting myself..the last time I had symptoms I would sometimes think about hurting others..but I dont really feel that this time..which is good..but unfortunately sometimes still get scary thoughts of hurting myself...
> what helps me when i get these thoughts is to label it as "anxiety"..because that is what it is..your body is producing a fight/flight reaction for no it creates a reason..since there is no threat around you, it turns inward and sees the threat as YOU...
> do you ever notice that when you are in a crowd you dont have these thoughts? i do and believe it is because there are other things that my body can see as a threat..for me i often fear that i will pass out..
> the adrenaline in your body that produces these scary thoughts is a powerful can be a terrifying thing! but the important thing to know is that you have the power to stop the flow of adrenaline..for me what helps is to remember that thoughts and feelings are NOT actions! if you have a disturbing thought..there is nothing you can do to go back in time and change that is done and you had it and nothing happened..these thoughts are fueled by your fear of them..if you are not afraid of them they lose their power over you...
> unfortunately recovery is a process that takes a long time..and it seems longer when you are the one going thru it..but 1. you are eating...2. you are enjoying things you used to enjoy....that means you are getting better! and these thoughts will go away just takes time..
> have you read the posts on the board about rapid eye movement therapy? this has worked for me in the past to get rid of obsessive thoughts..if you are seeing a therapist ask him/her about sounds goofy but it is worth a try and i really think that it does help!
> > It is good to hear from you is nice to hear from someone that is going through the same things that I am. I was feeling much better at about day 6 and 7, which gave me a lot more hope of getting better. Did you/do you have thoughts of death and seeing others getting hurt or even you hurting others? That is the thing I hate the absolute most. As much as I love being around my wife, I hate being around her lately because I'm scared to be. That hurts me the most. At least I feel like eating again and watching sports and other things I enjoy, but otherwise I feel horrible. Fortunately I have another short holiday week this week and then I can be home for a four day weekend. I guess this was a good time to become depressed with all of the vacation I have. Thanks again for the reply!
> >
> > > Hi Bluesfan..
> > > Sorry to hear that things are rough for yout today..but I bear good news..well actually its kind of a good news/bad news thing...being that you are on day 10 of lexapro you are smack dab in the middle of what I like to call "hell week"...for me and many people the 2nd week on SSRI is terrible...the meds give you little to no benefit..and for many people the activating effect that lexapro has brings on severe agitation..kind of like what you are experiencing..the good news is that you are in the absolute toughest period there is..and it gets better from here...
> > >
> > > at work what i do that helps me is to chart my anxiety level once every half hour...label it from 1-10 and every half hour just write down or enter into your computer what you feel your anxiety level for the 1/2 hour just passed has been..this can help you identify a pattern to when you feel also helps to reinforce that anxiety levels go up and down throughout the day, and that if you ride out the high anxiety periods you will feel much better in a short time...for me I have noticed that after 2 pm i tend to begin feeling much better..i get settled into the work day and into the flow...
> > >
> > > another advantage to knowing when your anxious times are is that you can prepare for them...for many people it helps to be occupied when you are anxious...if it is possible for you to schedule your work during those anxious will help you channel that adrenaline release into something besides worrying..
> > >
> > > these are things that help me when I am at work..of course they are not a cure all but they do help..
> > > Nick
> > > > I'm still new to the whole "depression" thing, and I wanted a little bit of insight to anyone who can provide it. Today was my first day back at work in over a week, and it seems I'm MUCH worse than I've been in awhile. I'm currently on 10mg of Lexapro, and I have been for the past 10 days. I was doing pretty well, but it seems like I've gone back to feeling worse than I did before I started the drug. Anxiety is horrible, I'm constantly tired, thoughts of death and suicide are much just seems like when it rains it pours. Those of you that have been through this, how do you cope at work? I have to find a way to get through this, and I thought some of you may have some tricks to stay focused and energized throughout the day. Thanks for your help!
> > >
> > >
> >
> >




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