Posted by linkadge on January 19, 2004, at 16:20:49
In reply to Do SSRI's Klonopin/Xanax attack SA differently?, posted by Adam33 on January 19, 2004, at 15:33:12
Antidepressants can alerting in some ways. They can help you see the problem for what it is.
In my experience, celexa makes everything seem as it is - very logical. They help you to reason things out, and come up with logical solutions. They help you to run the 'what if's' through right to the end. It may make you aware of your own internal coping mechanisms.
For instance, I play the piano, and performance anxiety has always been a problem.
After taking starting on Celexa for this and depression, I can see and accept what is blatently obvious. Instead of saying, I need to be the best in this, I can say I will do my best, and believe that I will acept myself for what I am.
I find that when you can accept yourself - I mean *really* accept yourself (regardless of weather you pass or fail), then sucess doesn't matter as much.
I also find myself watching Seinfeld more often, and the Golden Girls. When you are in a positive mood - you remember the jokes, and oftentimes you'll blurt themout without really thinking. Good comedy always lightens a social tone.
They also set up a bit of a edge to you.
You are a bit less 'needing' of complements etc. This may or may not be a bad thing.Benzo's also have their place. In many ways once you realize that the 'rush' of adrenaline doesn't come, then you just act because there is little negative consequence possible.
I would use the lexapro daily, and cary around some konapin. Throw yourself into social situations knowing that if a problem arises then the klonazepam is always there.
Best of Luck