Posted by utopizen on January 23, 2004, at 9:20:54
Doc is switching me from Klonopin to Xanax XR today. I've been on 1mg 3x/day of Klonopin since April now. Effects lessened about three months into my treatment of it... eventually I was using it as an insomnia pill, or a "I don't feel like squirming in my seat today" pill for classes. It really had much less meaning for me once I got tolerance or whatever you want to call it, and I never abused it.
Xanax, according to doc, is ussually something you switch from to go to Klonopin because he said Klonopin's stronger. My old p-doc said he was thinking of trying another random benzo, Ativan, whatever he felt like trying. This new p-doc says that once the benzo receptor is not as responsible to a benzo, it doesn't change just by switching to a new benzo. Seems to make more sense.
But I don't care. I use to like having "control" over my dosing. I preferred short-acting stimulants because they wouldn't last as long, so I could have an appetite at some point in the day and not feel boring, etc.
Now I want to take a pill when I wake up, and forget I took it. I don't want to use the little diver's dial on my watch anymore to remind me when I last took my dose of drug x. I want to be consistent. I also have narcolepsy, so I have to take Desoxyn at 9, 12, 3, and 6 PM. Even then, I have terrible lulls at times and my evenings are miserably low. I've asked about adding some Adderall XR to deal with the "crashing" or "lulls" or whatever they are, but I have to hold off until my Xyrem is titrated over the next couple of months and I adjust to Xanax.
It'll probably be less effective than Klonopin, maybe even a problem coming off of it (I came off of Klonopin a few weeks once with no problems when I lost some). But I don't care. With Xyrem, I have to wake up 2 1/2 hours after going to sleep just to re-dose. I don't mind that so much, since its benefit could really help me down the road in a couple of months.
But seriously, I wish they still made Desoxyn Gradumets. They were the only stimulant that worked for 12 hours, as claimed. And they're the only stimulant that I respond to for my narcolepsy.
I'm 20 now, and have been going through med trials for two years. I use to think I had more control knowing when I dosed, what I dosed, what I dosed it with, etc. Now I am begining to realize these things control me more than I control them. I shouldn't be timing things like this all the time, explaining my behavior to myself depending upon when I dosed my meds at what dose, etc. I'm getting really tired of it all.