Posted by Courtney on March 16, 2004, at 16:20:06
I'd like to see the contents of this thread limited to WHAT HAS HELPED YOU WITH EFFEXOR WITHDRAWAL. There are people out there committing suicide because of the side effects of withdrawal and they need help. Here we can provide them a condensed and concise body of tips and resources if we stick to the subject. Thanks!
It is clear that Effexor was put here by Satan. I was going insane trying to get off it and I am VERY grateful to have found a few things that made it almost painless.
We are all different, biochemically. That said, I wanted to describe my experiences in Effexor withdrawal thus far, and as they continue.1. I stopped Effexor when I was diagnosed ADD - it was probably a sense of absolute ineptitude that has caused my depression to begin with, so I thought I'd try to get off antidepressants. I take Strattera - the lower/ standard dose - for ADD (is Strattera an antidepressant?? oh well). It REALLY alleviated the symptoms of Effexor withdrawal for about half a day - enough to function at work. I believe Strattera increases norepinephrine levels, and this is one of the NTs that Effexor in higher doses is supposed to increase, so it kinda makes sense that Straterra might help ease the pain a little.
2. Take the "tapering off" advice to heart!! I halved my dose twice (150 to 75 to 37.5) over the course of about 5 weeks and felt GREAT. I peed out gallons - all that weight was water. And lo! long-slumbering carnal desires have emerged from the dark woods like ravenous she-bears in early spring. Watch out! I took my last 37.5mg (? the smallest available) and was surprised, having "weaned", to feel the typical horrible brain and body sensations described by almost everyone withdrawing from Effexor. I have some 150mg capsules left and I decided to reduce the dose by ~half every two weeks. Now I am taking just a few grains a day. I have had NO noticeable withdrawal effects. I'll keep on going until I am picking out a single white grain per day.
It should be noted that I also take Wellbutrin for depression and Neurontin for (what is likely to be) fibromyalgia. They have yet to develop a medication for hypochondria, but I'm hopeful.
That's a joke. I hate the fcking drugs and I hope behavior modification and therapy will take me all the way up and out.
I live in Austin. If you live here and need help, email me - I have some med left. I recommend Central Family Practice for emergency help with Effexor withdrawal - they'll give you a sample if you need it.
Courtney (