Posted by Buckeye Fan on May 10, 2004, at 7:59:59
I have only been visiting this site for a if this has been discussed before please forgive me.
I can relate to many of the posters here.
I remember NOT being on ANY meds, other than maybe Ibuprofen for the first 40 years of my life.Then after a series of "out of the blue" panic attacks, with agoraphobia...I went to see my MD
and he gave me xanax.Talk therapy helped me understand WHY the panic attacks came on...but did not allow me to stop them from happening.
Then about 2 years into MD finally convinced me to take Zoloft.
The panic attacks mood improved...and all seemed well. I remember even thanking him.
Now we are 4 years later....and I still take xanax....I switched to Effexor...and now am tapering off. (the Effexor)
I wish I had NEVER taken an anti-depressant.
I have weighed the pros and Cons...and for is no contest...depression os BETTER than the effects of these powerful mind "numbers."
Seriously...that is all they really they Numb you to the pain.So after a few years of living your life like a real decide to go of them.
Yeah right.
Just "try it" the Drug Companies are privately saying. ( I know that sounds paranoid, but its really not)
So where do we draw the line?
No drugs? No Insulin? No Hormone Therapy?
No pain Killers?I have no answers...only questions.
I will close with this however.....
If we lived in any other time period, we wouldnt even be having to choose...cause the drugs wouldnt be avaliable. So would we all be drunks?
Probabley.I bet the best thing for all most of us, would be to graduallly come off these anti-depressants..and eat right and exercise.
Buckeye Fan
poster:Buckeye Fan