Posted by jubei on June 22, 2004, at 6:03:18
I am posting this for two reasons, one is to tell people what has happened to me, and the second being to find out if this has happened to anybody else.
I started taking geodon about two months ago whilst in a hospital, I regret going there now.
Geodon, as many may know, is for the treatment of schizophrenia, and as such it is actually perhaps not the best choice as it may effect the heart. However, I do not suffer from schizophrenia but quite a bit of depression and anxiety, I believe the doctor that prescribed me geodon should be hanged, or at the least in the next life toiling in a sublime hell where doctors push her for needless drugs with a sound cure in mind, betrayal constant.Firstly, I would like to note that to those that have had a grand experience with this drug that you may stop reading this as it is not targeted towards you, I don't like missing the mark.
I was started on a relatively small dose of the dark pill. No side effects were noted as then. But whilst in the hospice I due noticed firstly a strange ambivalence to lights, they would shine in ways not known before less tired to an extent, and this I would later find out on my own was a factor of pupil dilation. Thus...
The next feeling parallel to a raise in geodon dosage was a terrible feeling of drugged sleep. I recognized it as such as I have had experience with seroquel and benadryl, unfortunetly my social worker at said place was not in agreement with this, thinking it was a minor product of a bored disposition(well am I glad I am so stupid compared to these "professionals")
Next on our list, I noticed when waking up from a daft sleep my heart racing for unknown reasons.
I left the hospital thankfully in a rather knocked out state of sleep. I came home and believed that I could not bare this feeling of sleep and that it must be dealt with. Later on that night I started getting muscle twitching(later when I tell my doctor over at the hospital about this she quelled belief!)I didn't take my next dose the following morning as I realize how much I hated the side effects of geodon. This day may have been my last day of sanity. Later that day I was getting physical illness, and at around 5pm eastern time, I had a massive panic attack. I got depersonalization because of it. I got back on geodon because I felt that this incident was caused by it. For that entire week I had a panic attack every day. What a nightmare. I later realized that I must get off of this drug because it is causing me to sleep all the time, get muscle twitching, shocks in the head and around the eyes, eye dilation, and horrible anxiety. Well evertime I lowered the dose those side effects worsened. I began getting horrible painful nightmares. When I got a new doctor we tried to ween myself off of the horrible drug. When I was off of it I was in a new state of hell and madness, I had insomnia for three days straight and the areas where I was getting muscle twitching, I was getting nerve pain instead and some twitching still, I had to get back on I couldn't stand the physical and mental pain.
I got myself off of it with the help of klonipin( withought it I swear I would have gone insane from this mental pain geodon caused). I have been off of it for two weeks, however the side effects have not gone away...
-some muscle twitching, and where it occurs a sort of nerver sensation pain
-horrible anxiety
-pupil dilaton
-horrible nightmares
-mental pain that makes me scream in anguish everydayWill this nightmare ever stop? I swear I would give everything I own for an answer to this. What I would give to make these effects end....
I am only 19 for goodness sakes.