Posted by pretty_paints on August 3, 2004, at 16:20:42
Hi everyone,
I'm feeling really crap tonight. Iv been on Efexor 300mg for the past 3 weeks (3 weeks at this dose I mean). My main problems are depression and anxiety, but I have had some OCD symptoms in the past. These calmed down a lot in the last few years, to the point where they weren't really problem.
And EEEEK. Now suddenly the last two days, I suddenly have started freaking out again! They're not exactly MAJOR problems, but I CAN'T BELIEVE THEY'VE COME BACK! ARRRRGHHH. I can't stop touching my lip with my hand. Iv got this wort on my finger and I bite my nails, and I'm freaking that somehow Iv pasted the virus onto my lip and I'm gonna get a wort now on my lip. But I'm OBSESSED with the stupid thing. I can't can't can't stop wiping my lip with my hand ONE LAST TIME. I do it, and then immediately I need to do it again, and if I don't, I think I'll end up with a wort. And I just keeeep doing it. ARGH. I havent even put my wort-finger NEAR my lip today, and still I think somehow the virus is still there from days ago.
Why on earth is this happening?!! It feels like, just as my depression is very slowly starting to lift, these stupid obsessive things are starting to get worse? Has anyone had this??
I guess it might just be some initial anxiety bcoz of the dose increase..? And that eventually everything will calm down again. I mean, even if the Efexor didnt do anything to help OCD, the worst it would do is just 'not do anything', yeh? It wouldnt make it WORSE would it..? It makes no sense. Maybe the depression just made me so out-of-it that now that I'm getting a little bit more alive, Iv gone back to being obsessive. So now am I gonna have to choose between depression or OCD? :o(
By the way, just one more question, with the Efexor. I know it affects serotonin and the, er, other one beginning with n! So no dopamine. What is the affect of this does anyone know? How does dopamine make you feel?
Anyway, sorry Iv been so STRESSED OUT and yaky in this message! aaaaaarrrrrgggggghh. I'm gonna call my pdoc tommorrow. Yeserie. I'll try and write something more NORMAL when Im feeling a bit more calm. Think I need to go watch Big Brother (yay)