Posted by cpallen79 on August 10, 2004, at 14:07:15
In reply to Re: Markers for BP II, posted by Torque on August 7, 2004, at 10:56:10
Hi, often times BP II is super difficult to catch because its sometimes hard to differentiate between a healthy mood and hypomania at times... I finally got a BP II diagnosis after figuring it out for myself and discussing it /w my PDOC... SSRIS can be effective for helping depression, but sometimes they can make you hypomanic or even manic,, but that's not always the case. Definetely talk this over /w your PDOC... perhaps add a mood stabilizer in... there's alot of them out there that aren't super harsh (AT LEAST IN THEORY)... you may find that adding a mood stabilizer is just the "sweet touch" needed to help with moods. Be careful with the Klonopin as it can cause addiction and dependence. I wish you all the best in getting this sorted out.
> Yes I have anxiety/agitation issues as well as some depression issues. I have taken klonopin for about four years now. I think klonopin helps with sleep and anxiety, but I'm not sure if it contributes to a "lower mood". I have taken many AD's including effexor, celexa, lexapro, wellbutrin, also straterra. I have combined them and taken them in monotherapy. I took celexa for about 2 years and switched to Effexor. Been on that for about 18 months @150 mgs, now @75mgs and holding for Cymbalta. The best I seem to get is anxiety controlled but some what "blah" and breakthrough irritability. I would love wake up one day and say "Hot damn I feel great today! I can't wait to embrace the day". Don't get me wrong there are many people much worse than me, and I feel for them. My problems are minor compared to those truly suffering. However I did have a period about 5 years ago, where I became very manic. Literally couldn't sleep for month, became very depressed. It scared the hell out of me. I became sooo tired I didn't care if I lived. After all is said and done, I never want to go back to that "state of mind again"...
> Torque