Posted by charming on September 14, 2004, at 19:35:58
Becky, First of all I would FIRE your female Doctor, she sounds like someone who just got out of Med School, not very open minded is she. I believe you, these withdrawal sypmtoms are just terrible. If I would have known that this was going to happen, I never would have started with Effexor. It's just not worth it. I've been off of Effexor for just about a week or so...cause we are trying to have another baby. and I'll tell you, it is the WORST experience I have ever ever felt! Well I didn't know what the heck was happening to me. I called & asked my Docotor if I could be Pregnant and he said it's way to early to tell or for you to get symptoms...Very confused at this point, I then asked him if it could be because I went off of effexor? And he said, yep, that's probably it. Then I found this site. Sometimes I have jokingly said to my husband just shoot me to get me out of my misery...But in a way I kinda wasn't kidding ya know. My symptoms are nausea, very vivid dreams & nightmares, I can remember them so specifically. Have you ever had a dream or a nightmare where one particualr incident keeps repeating itself over & over & over & over & over again.....for 8-10 hours while your are sleeping? And there is nothing you can do to stop it. Now this is pure torture. That's how it is for me. I never wake up refreshed & the absolute worst part is Constant & NEVER ENDING dizziness. I can't even drive anymore cause I seriously get so disoriented like everthing around me is literally spinning. It's the absolute worst feeling in the world! Does anyone know how long this will have to last? When will it get better?