Posted by Kon on October 17, 2004, at 10:41:40
In reply to Ativan questions, posted by krisdance83 on October 15, 2004, at 22:25:05
Most of the material I've read suggests that tolerance to anti-anxiety effects usually does not occur with benzos. What does "usually" mean...have no clue. Anecdotal reports, however, do suggest a greater potential of tolerance with xanax and ativan in comparison to longer acting benzos like clonazepam, but I've never come across any hard evidence for this claim. Wrt dependency (which is basically withdrawal) based on material I looked at (see one such article below) slightly less than 50% of users will develop noticeable withdrawal after months to perhaps years of use. From Tyrer's research (see below), he does mention years in one article I read in Ashton's UK benzo site. Dependency/wthdrawal may be higher, however, in individuals with passive-dependent personalities.
Thus, you likely have over 50% chance of not becoming physically dependent even if you use it for months to perhaps years. Probably well over 50% if you take it as-needed. Personally, I've used different benzos as-needed including ativan for over 2 years and never had any problems with dependency...(i.e. withdrawal). I normally take a month off drug use during summers. Even if you did become dependent, just do a taper and slowly come off the drug.
>I have NO idea what they mean when they say that one can become "dependant" on this med after "prolonged use." What exactly is this prolonged? Days, weeks, years???
For most people it means months to years. Only rarely do individuals become dependent on benzos within the course of a few weeks (especially if taken as-needed).
> And one other question, does use of Ativan, after a while, cause sexual side effects?
I had none but sexual side-effects have been reported to occur occassionally with benzo use. Far less than SSRIs, however. Occassionally, sex drive is even increased.
Biochem Soc Symp. 1993;59:107-19.Benzodiazepine dependence: a shadowy diagnosis.
Tyrer P.When benzodiazepines were introduced into clinical practice in the 1950s they were hailed as efficacious minor tranquillizers, largely devoid of unwanted side effects, in contrast to the barbiturates and similar drugs that they largely superseded. It was 30 years before the phenomenon of low-dose dependence on benzodiazepines was recognized. Benzodiazepine dependence differs from other psychotropic drug addictions because the benzodiazepines do not produce either euphoria or drug-seeking behaviour (except in those who are already addicted to other drugs). However, benzodiazepine use is associated in some individuals with a marked withdrawal (abstinence) syndrome that provides the best evidence of dependence. Just over half the people prescribed long-term benzodiazepines do not develop any sign of a withdrawal reaction (Fig. 1): this reflects factors including the type of benzodiazepine prescribed, the dosage and duration of treatment, as well as characteristics of the patient. Individuals with passive-dependent personalities appear to be more likely to experience withdrawal symptoms than other patients, although this remains a controversial issue. Therefore benzodiazepine use should follow certain guidelines, and if these are adhered to the benzodiazepines will continue to be valuable drugs in clinical practice.