Posted by Shame on March 30, 2005, at 9:56:59
Rolling into week 5 of my Lamical starter pack, and although the 'minimum therapeutic dosage' is 100mg, I think it must be doing something for me. I'm listening to Camper von Beethoven instead of Cradle of Filth. I laughed at the morning radio show yesterday. I have fewer downs than I usually had in any given day.And my creativity is gone. S**t.
I told myself that I wouldn't miss being down, and that the bi-polars that go off meds to get that part of themselves back are weak. I guess I'm weak then, because I sort of miss it. My posts the writing board have dried up, and my previous posts no longer resonate as clearly. I have not worked on my book. I have to figure out how to fill my day now that I don’t spend half of it in a funk. Ten years of searching has paid off, and I'm not entirely sure I like it.
And now, to share a story….
I wear a bracelet that is CLEARLY a medic-alert bracelet. A large, shiny silver Hermes caduceus clearly emblazoned on the front. What’s the point of having medic-alert jewelry that hides its purpose? My jackass cube-mate calls it my "Bling", and constantly asks me why I wear it.
Me :
"Well, I like to fool paramedics into thinking I have a debilitating mental disorder that requires special medications that interact with half of everything on the planet. It makes me feel special. Why do you ask?"Him :
"HA HA HA HA! Yea! Like your one of those stupid people that say they are depressed. You know.. crazy!"What kind of mental deficiency does this guy have? Is stupidity in the DSM-IV? If it is this guy has a serious case of it. I don’t think you need a medical degree to look at me and know I have issues.