Posted by temoigneur on April 14, 2005, at 17:59:34
In reply to Re: Reduce Seizure Risk? » Maxime, posted by ed_uk on April 14, 2005, at 12:48:12
Hi Ed - howz it going? I wanted to ask you about your situation, and if I might, what your on that's seemingly allowing you to function. i was wondering, how you feel, and maybe about past experiences with meds. I apologize, I wrote you at your 'home' address, but perhaps it would have been better to send it through babble mail - this was after you sent the msg 'I only just now got your email'!
You're case intrigues me b/c we do have similarities, well i imagine a great number on this board do- considering the relatively limited spectrum of medications used to treat the full gammit of psychiatric disorders. I was really sorry to read this about Lunesta. I couldn't imagine how it would be any different from zopiclone, (I'm canadian) - but with the all the hype, and not having seen any talk of cross tolerance with benzo's or the like I had hopes. :(
Re: clomipramine and sedation - I still feel like my creativity has been partially zapped, I'm thinking I might want to titrate slightly lower but we'll see.
Well, it looks like I may be getting into one of the finest pdocs in Vancouver, - I'm told he knows his meds, this would be amazing. Please feel free to email me at my home address, also do you check your 'home' addy, I would send this there, Take Care