Posted by willyee on August 15, 2005, at 21:31:33
So i see a new doc today,since my old one has been 5 years and counting,i figured time to get a second opinion on some things.
Well after being 25 MINUTES late to our FIRST appt,and not giving me the proper paperwork to fill out from the start i finally get called only to fill out the paper work in her office.
So bad start already,well after we go through the usual conversation,we speak on meds,after telling her what i have been on numerous times,we begin to talk about a new med for me.
I specifaly ask about topamax,her response,ehh its ok for anxiety,uh ya i have anxiety???? and...
Then i ask about keppra,"oh ive used it,just not enough information out that yet."Ok so u used it,ur familiar with it......
Then i tell her i had partial SUCCESS adding a stimulant dexadrine to parnate,and ask about that possablitliy.
So what does she send me hime with?? A friggin sample card of LAMICTAL!!!! I told her i was on that already!!!!!!!!!
So why does this woman ignore two requests of topamax,which she said nothing bad about but that it was GOOD for anxiety,ignores my request for keppra,ignores my comment on adding a stimulant,and comes from.....
LEFT field with lamictal.At this point i practucaly pleaded with her for any of the three i mentioned,at least give me a reason why u arent giving me it,instead NOTHING!!! UGHH
So 2 weeks waiting and i go home with in MY VIEW crap,garbage i have taken before,what am i supposed to do with this i tried it already,i dident WANT IT DAMN IT!!!!
Im so discouraged now,i know people have had success with lamictal but for me its crap,garbage,useless,i waited all this time for that!!!!!!!
I spoke clearly and intelligently,she had to look up parnate dident even know anything about it,and it boils me that she totaly ignored me,she already knew what she was gonna give me and nothing i said mattered,then people wanna know why we search to order our OWN meds online.
Im soooo fed up with these docs,if id been 25 min late id be out of luck,its happened,but every visit they the pdocs are always "running behind" Today was really enough to make me never wanna see another one of these fake docs again,lamictal i already tossed it in the thrash,2 weeks waste of time,and cash directly out of my pocket,and i have gotten no where,what a waste.