Posted by willyee on September 5, 2005, at 6:02:28
In reply to CELEXA AND GABA, posted by enjay on September 5, 2005, at 3:14:34
> Has anyone taken these together and if so was it worth it?
> Thanks
> Enjay
What exactly do you mean when you say GABA?? Do you mean ACTUAL gaba powder from a supplment store over the counter.Or do you mean a gaba med such as a benzo or a anti-convulasnt such as topamax or Nurerotion.
Well gaba over the counter as u know isnt suitable for the brain,its weak and cant make it to the brain,taking a lot will make u sick or dizzy,but wont get to the brain and calm you as a gaba med would,so gaba over the counter would not be a viable option for any emotional disorder.
As for gaba meds,a benzo affects gaba very strongly as you know,which is why its not uncommon for a benzo to be prescribed with a AD to add a calming effect since most ANTI DEPRESSANTS usualy have side effects at first anxiety being one,so normaly somone will have a prescription for their med,plus a benzo.
Adding a gaba med such as topamax,neurontion,gabitril is basicaly addding a mood stablizer,which in tons of cases is a good idea,not gonna help loads on annxiety like a benzo,but can offer a LOT in overall excitability and well being and calm.
Your question was oddly put cause there is no *gaba* only benzos and a mood stablizers which affect gaba,but unfortunaly the closest thing to actualy getting gaba into the brain is ghb which is illegal.
Side note,u do have over the counter products that can kinda get gaba to the brain,picamilion,l theanine,kava but they do not have nearly as good a track record as the meds i mentioned.
So yess a gaba med usualy helps with almost every medication,choosing which one works for u best is the hard part,although not liked,benzos are usualy gonna be most effective at geting the feeling of gaba in the brain.