Posted by Tepiaca on October 28, 2005, at 19:58:50
Social anxiety has return and very strong ! oh my god. Painful fear is back, what is wrong with my bran !
M;y doctor does not understand that what causes on me depression is this fear !. So I don´t need to focus on relieving my depression, I need to focus on how to get away this fear so my depression can go away!.
Off meds I dont feel depressed, In fact I feel like a normal person when Im alone. Then I start to going out, job , people , crowds and that is so difficult, I cant interact , I CANT !!!! then I start to think about it and that is what leads me to depression.
My rochers test (bad spelling) showed that I was depressed. It was obvious that I was, I just trowed my money to the trash. It did not say something relevant, most of the information that appears on the report was something thay I said to the doctor.
Sorry to be so negative, I just don´t know what to do. Nardil was good but I did get to the point that I wanted. Now here comes this TOLVON, I dont want to be pesimistic but I dont think this med is goona help me. Im just tired, so whatahell let the doctor give me something that I have never tried