Posted by rjlockhart98 on October 29, 2005, at 23:30:12
I know dopamine is, when i have a hypomanic, even worse hypo-panic attack, dopamine and adrealine. It feels so stimulanting, its like i hear the slightest sound, with the stillness around me.
Serotoin has got to be in there.... i dont know why. Usally when i have a moderate episode i feel good about myself, and ready for anything. Sense of Well-being. Im like thank you Mind. THen it dies down fine.
I classify attacks in catagories
1. High Alert state
2. Anxiety High state
3. Panic feeling
4. Mania with Panic.
5. Mania.I dont want to be on medication that will dull me out, i would HATE that. I want to know how to self stablize myself by self talk, knowing inbalances.
Panic states are usally caused because a abnormal thoughts, I go "ok, I have to feel safe and alert"
I can have Manic states with 3mg of Clonazepam, I one time had a rage at my stepdad, i walked, he took my keys, i said fine, im walking to Fort Worth and get a job with out you bastard. I did, i got sunburned terribly but i didnt care, i was in a determined state, i am going to make it. I finally came back to normal state of mind, made it to fort worth, applied for jobs. Then called my mom at work after i re-came back to mind.
I was so sunburned it was 2nd degree, 98 degrees out side, but i didnt care while i was walking. I just said im going to make it, i have willpower and i am going to smash my stepdad.
I have gotten in fights with him, he said i was demon possed, he grabbed me, i punched him in the face and went CRAZY, broke my stereo speakers over him, I didnt care if i got hurt, in that state of mind, its your main goal. Take him out.
Sorry i got so intense. I havent posted when this happened becuase it was embarrasing and i was exhasted.
But Mania can be more stimulanting than amphetamine.