Posted by alohashirt on November 20, 2005, at 21:04:32
How would you deal with the following?
In Mid October I picked up two prescriptions for a new medication:
30xdrugBAFter two weeks I realized that I had less than 50% of drug A.
I counted the remainder and saw 12 ( six days) total. This didn't make sense - I figured that maybe the pharmacist had made an error and called them. I spoke with the pharmacist an dhe assured me tha such a mistake could not be "Focalin XR is a controlled substance so we have a strict double count process that avoid errors. It is not possible tha we made such an error."
"Nevertheless, can you please look at the amount you have on hand and the amount your records suggest and see if they match?"
It coyuldn't see how I had mafe an error and called back a few hours later, the pharmacist said that there was no overage.Two weeks later I pick up my next scrip. I am shocked to see that the container for the 60xdrug A is twice the size of the other container - twice the size of the size of the prior container that had been marked 60. Clearly there is no way that 60 capsules could have fit in that container. I called the pharmacist over and explained this.
"Do you have the empty pill container?"
"No why would I have kept this?"
"Well I appreciate what you are saying but without that container there is nothing I can do. If this weren't a scheduled medication I would just hand you the 30 capsule son your say so. i can't do ytat in this case. I can iensure that when you pickup this med in future that we count them in front of you. How does adding ten minyutes per month help me?
I explained that was not acceptable to me. That based on the visual evidence that the container i had been given could not have contained 60 capsules it was clear to me there wa san error and I expected him to investigate it, detrmine cause an drectify. After 15 minutes of heated debate he agreed to do an "inventory" this weekend and review each order of this (new)medication reconcile prwescriptions an dstock book and see if he could work out what had happened.I think I am getting the run-around. I am sure that pharmacists deal with custoemrs who try to scam them on a daily basis. Taht doesn't mean that honest patients should pay a price for that. I think I did everything I could eb expected to to resolve this issue (except keep teh empty pill container.)
What are my choices at this point?
What would you do?