Posted by willyee on November 24, 2005, at 19:09:21
In reply to Re: Philpa regarding CFS /FM Lyme and Xyrem » Phillipa, posted by lunesta on November 24, 2005, at 15:57:46
Hey there,id like to mention something on xyrem real quickly.
First lol you have no idea how many people would kill to be able to get a legal means to this drug,lol theyu would have a heart attack if they knew it whas poured down the drain.
As far as the dopamine rebound,there is a good theory on this,its similiar to why alcholol also sometimes makes people have anxiety.
Hopefully this makes sense.......Ok gaba A recepors in the brain stimulate Glutamate,which is stimulative not INHIBITORY.More like a smart drug would be,for people with anxiety stimulated glutmate recptors can be a night mare.
GHB when taken in very small amounts actualy hits GABA A,these are doses of approx anywhere from 200 mg to 1 gram.Now its ur higher doses of 1-4 grams of GHB/XYREM that begin to greatly influenance gaba B recpetors,gaba B unlike gaba A is INHIBOTORY,relaxes you calms you,puts you to sleep.
Most peole need to take a fairly large dose of xyrem for this reason.ALCHOLOL in small amounts is said to do the same,small amounts of alclholol stimulate gaba A GLUTMATE and can worsen anxiety,where as larger amounts work on gaba B.Now as far as dopamine rebound,its believed the GHB rebound is not simply a release of dopamine but instead the ghb levels beginning to dwindle and drop as the drug exits,slowly the ghb levels make there way back to a gaba A amount thus creating that anxiety.
I think dopamine gets blamed way too often for things,dopamine actualy is BOTH stimulate and inhbitiory.Also if you research any ghb/xyrem user,and read about what they do to qwell "dopamine rebound" you will see almost all of them use some sort of benzo gaba med,if dopamine rebound was the cause then wouldent it make sense that a small dose of an antipsychotic which SURPRESSES dopamine instead be used?? This however is rare,in fact i never heard of one being used for rebound.
Now of course i dident come up with any of this,there is a good article that explained this in detail,i just dont have the time to search for it but can if anyone wants.But i do agree with it and dont believe its dopamine rebound,dopamine can be pleaseant,a ghb rebound is not,and it does feel more like a glutamte state.
As far as using xyrem therputicaly,if it were off labled id say 1.5 grams maybe 2 a day.Id also use a small portion of a benzo when i noticed rebound.Xyrem is non-toxic and leaves the body via h20,water.I think using a benzo for rebound rather than re-sing xyrem can keep people from devolping an addiction for it and running for it every time they feel a rebound.Instead they will stay stead fast in the dose amounts daily.
Now yess you would still use a benzo,but A you will use less benzo if u just used it alone so u can cut down,B also aside from using less benzo you are also taming your anxiety with s substance less likly to worsen depression in the process.
Xyrem/ghb is very unique,the doses introduced for sleep were shocking to the tons of people who use it daily for anxiety,most users doing so wouldent dream of going higher than a 2.5 dose.
Its a shame your only experieance with this valuable drug is in such a high dose range where its a whole different world.I have a lot of articles on it,feel free to email me at if u ever would like some,good luck