Posted by Cairo on January 26, 2006, at 17:32:42
In reply to Re: medications and handwriting, posted by linkadge on January 21, 2006, at 12:37:40
All I know about meds and handwriting is that when my daughter was on the psychostimulants, her handwriting improved. It's interesting that her cursive is better than her printing. Changing her meds to more dopaminergic ones (Zoloft) doesn't seem to have any efffect on her handwriting, though it sure helps her Social Anxiety more.
My son is just the opposite: no cursive at all, only printing (A brilliant kid who can type all his college papers).
Topamax (horrible, horrible med for me) caused me to be unable to form cursive letters even when just signing my name. I had to focus very hard on how I wanted the pen to move on the page and even then, my signature or words didn't look like my own handwriting. It would take ten times a long to write anything. Of course I had word retrieval problems, bone crushing fatigue and every other side effect listed.
Now my sister-in-law had a weird thing happen with Neurontin: would start writing a word with the second letter, then would unconciously go back and fill in the first letter.