Posted by llrrrpp on June 28, 2006, at 9:35:01
Hi folks,
about 10 days ago, I increased my dose of cymbalta from 60 to 90 mg once a day, at night. I also take seroquel. I increased this about 10 days ago from 25-50 mgI've been feeling very fatigued all day long, every day. the past 2 nights, i decreased my seroquel down to 25 mg. no effect on my fatigue.
I go to bed at the same time every night. Excellent sleep hygiene. white noise machine, cool, quiet room. I don't wake up much in the night. I get 8 hours sleep, and usually wake up on my own.
Coffee in am and caffeinated soda at lunch, or in afternoon.
Also, I feel disoriented and dizzy. I lost my balance twice yesterday, once banging my elbow on the wall on my way down, and once stumbling & stepping in a puddle. Loss of coordination the same as about 2 strong drinks chugged down quickly.
Felt kind of spacy, loopy, having problems typing accurately, but my mood is okay. Cognition is pretty much unaffected. Don't worry, i don't operate heavy machinery, just my computer :o)
Also loss of inhibition. Having trouble controlling my poker face. I've been expressing more of my anger/frustration/joy than I usually do, yesterday in socially inappropriate fashion. ((((prefrontal cortex))))
Do you guys think that these effects will go away? i.e. is it a side-effect of Cymbalta, or a main effect of Cymbalta.