Posted by willyee on July 3, 2006, at 0:06:07
I remeber a very small debate about ...if someone got a million dollers they would be happy etc etc,and the opoosition was it dident matter cause depression was a chemical malfunction which does not allow the victim to feel certain emotions,the external pluses and negatives arent the main factor,i ageed with the second view.
Anyway just to give u an idea,eminem,for those who although strange,may not know,is a very credited rapper,he is also a white rapper who is respected,hes brought out other talents,dropped a few ablums that went plantunium meaning hes got mucho denero,money!
He is also ADORED by woman,attacked,so we have talent,fame,fortune,.......sounds like a good life huh?
Well he is now on Anti depressants,my only reasoning for bringing this about is to share a personal view of mine that clinical depression spares no one,its not about having this or that,its a chemical illness,now i am willing to accept that life situations,such as eminem has recently been in,can act as a gun trigger,and cause the brain to start working differently,however i think when it gets so bad that this happens,i believe it is VERY DIFFICULT to return the brain to its correct pattern,hence why many of us are here.
If u google eminem on anti depressants the list will go on and on and on,i just grabbed a random one,here is the link.......