Posted by alisseus on July 9, 2006, at 7:12:35
In reply to Re: Dexedrine » Meri-Tuuli, posted by Paulbwell on May 24, 2006, at 6:46:53
> > Hi Denise,
> >
> > I'm desperate to try something like ritalin/dexerine...but I'm also in the UK.
> >
> > I find it pathetic the narrow mindedness of the pdocs over here, and I look at the plethora of drugs easily prescribed to our North American friends with much envy.
> >
> > Have you tried zyban/wellbutrin? Its sort of similar to a stimulant, but the trouble here in Europe is that its only licensed as a quit smoking aide. So your GP would have to prescribe it off label. I got one of my previous GPs to prescribe it for me. It was okay, but I developed a rash on it, so I stopped it.
> >
> > I think it very very unlikely a doc over here would prescribe dexedrine as an augumenting agent. In my experience, they're completely ignorant to augumenting agents in the first place!!
> >
> > If I had loads of money I would fly over to North America and get an appt with a pdoc....I'm kicking myself now because my partner used to live in Boston, and I used to visit him regulary. I could have easily have fitted in a pdoc appointment!!!!
> >
> > Oh well. Sigh.
> >
> > Kind regards
> >
> > Meri
> >
> >
> I live downunder, not exactly pill hand over USA, but am scripted Ritalin+Valium+Prozac.
> The Ritalin is less than satisfactory, (80mgs-8 10mgIR tabs) after more than 2 years, so i may go back to my Psy, and see about alternative treatments, one of which he mentioned, when he diagnosed me with ADD/HD issues was, Dextroamphetamine 5mg IR tablets, which are usually used at half the dose.
> We'll see.
> CheersWhat state in Aus are you. i'm in queensland and have been told dex hasn't been used here for years and is not an option?