Posted by Rani on November 20, 2006, at 16:11:18
Ive been diagnosed with a mood disorder (mixed) and have been taking SSRI Lexapro 15mg for about 1 year after having an episode of panic disorder (now controlled). After commencing the SSRI I have noticed that my mood swings are worse. It really tipped me into a high (hypomania not extreme) at first and I have a sense of agitation/high without the good feelings attached alot of the time. I agree with the mood disorder diagnosis but do feel the Lexapro exacerbates it. At my last psych visit he suggested I take some lithium but yesterday I asked if I could wean the Lexapro to see if I can manage without meds. I know this sounds like your typical psych person not wanting to take meds but when I look back the times when I have been on an SSRI are when I am at my worst.
So I am weaning from 15mg daily by 5mg for 3 weeks. I have weaned SSRIs before and know it is tricky but can manage it.
Does anyone else with a mood disoder feel the SSRI makes them worse?
IF this doesn't work and I am thrown into a terrible depression then I will recommence and happily take a low dose of lithium with the SSRI.
I just feel I need this chance to see what I am like without SSRI before I head into the lithium zone.