Posted by yxibow on January 15, 2007, at 18:37:29
In reply to Re: can Remeron + Luvox be combined safely? » yxibow, posted by Phillipa on January 15, 2007, at 18:19:06
> Jay first no I didn't combine the two. But are you saying that cymbalta takes longer to work? First time I think I took it about three to four months. Second time was a whole l0days and part of that may have been the fact that we had just moved here and he asked me how cymbalta had worked. I said fine no side effects. Mine and Greg's gut feeling was neigher of us liked him at all. He prescirbed 30mg for a week then 60 for a week, then 90 for a week than 120mg. I said but the manufacturer says nothing higher than 60 is recommended he brushed me off and said well I see results on l20mg. He scared me to death. Love Jan
Lilly indeed cannot recommend or disrecommend doses higher than the 60mg in the PI. It is unclear whether doses higher than 60mg are better than doses at 60mg, but if they are tolerable and produce better results they may work for some people. Would it work for me just as well back at 60, I don't know.
If you are sensitive to the medication 30 for a week and 60 for the second week is probably too fast of a move, that is why they made 20s, so you can adjust up to 60 and see how it works over a period of weeks.
The "work" you may have felt the second time was an initial rush from, well... rushing the medication. It doesn't say it will last like that.Yes, I would say 3 to 4 months would not be an uncommon length of time for it to develop all its nuances. Its not a medication to be rushed and neither are SSRIs.
If you can stomach going up to 60, some people do actually start right there, but I have a feeling your anxiety would get the better of you and defeat the purpose of doing that.
Having a good relationship with your doctor and about medications is important. If you are uncomfortable with the way things are being prescribed and you don't think it is right, then speak up. I know it can be intimidating, but that's all I can say on that subject. I don't know your doctor-patient relationship and frankly that is your business to share.
-- Jay