Posted by john anderton on May 7, 2007, at 18:49:08
Emsammers and the like:
I have just finished my 4th day on the Emsam 6mg patch and thus far I dont have too much to report other than maybe a very slight increase in energy and at times and I say this "sparingly" a very slight increase in mood.
I have noticed that I sleep a little bit lighter. I would not call it insomnia but I am definitely not sleeping like a rock. I use depakote for mood stabilization and zyprexa to help a little bit with the sleep as well
I am not really sure what my expectations should be? Is it to soon to think that this drug is not going to do much? What are other experiences and thoughts on this drug? What have you all heard?
Thanks for the responses and God Bless!
poster:john anderton