Posted by iforgotmypassword on May 31, 2007, at 18:17:36
i was wondering how detrimental, and potentially dangerous cognitively and sensorium-wise, it would be to still have lamotrigine left in your bloodstream during your first ECT and perhaps even with some left in further sessions.
at a daily dose of 100, you are at 50mg bloodwise approximately right before you take your morning pill. if you don't take the pill that day, but have ect, you are having ECT with approximately 50mg lamotrigine still active in your system. or if you did it the next day 25mg? or the day after that 12.5mh?
can lamotrigine do damage in certain amounts for an ect session, at what level would that risk disappear? 12.5? maybe even 25mg? or more like 6.25? or even that is not safe?
i also take magnesium malate and zinc citrate multiple times per day, and i tend to worry that i am very likely magnesium deficient. any impact on what i take here that could be unsafe? or could it in fact prove helpful?
would ECT boot all of that calcium out, and put me where i could get Mg back into cells properly again? i hope... i really want to get rid of my paralysis and these perpetual since paxil 6 years ago extrapyramidal problems.