Posted by your#1fan on November 24, 2007, at 21:01:23
For the longest time i thought, i cant fuction with out it, mentally, with work, i just dropped because absent minded, my mind is not on subject on what it should be. Now i have came to conclusions why i cant be on it, one i found that knowing it causes me to do things that im intrested in, like reading a magazine in class, even though i can focus on my work.
Next, amphetamines increase libido... my girlfriend, no wonder. I cannot have that. I went 3 they though i was nuts. Now i hardly have any desire.. but my god back then that was all that i was thinking abuot. First i thought it was a sexual sin and i was going to go to a catholic and have him poar holy water on me and see anything comes out. What ever you dont think about alot, you will think alot about on amphetamines. I.E sexual stimulation (i read it happens to alot of people!), reading, becoming obsessed with doing something, now its not a bad thing. I Vacummed alot on Dexedrine! cleaned house! but it brings, or stimulates thoughts that you normally dont think. Unless its time for it.
Third of all, dexedrine only lasts 3 hours. I would be in a motivated mood for that period of time. After that i was misable, irrtible, just absolutely sometimes felt awful. Now i see why there is time released forms.
Now Dexedrine was an exellent trial, i was on it for 2 years. I could keep my mind in a a stablized mood, and still be able to function with normal work things in life. Its the other side effects that i had to come off it. Im not saying its a bad medication, or that im a bad person, im explaining the chemistry between me and it.
I have made to myself that i will not go back on to stimulants until my thought, will behave and not stimuated other ways. But still in class, i wish i was on something to help me focus. Im so scattered, everywhere, i cant even put some sentences together! im just thinking too out there. So the fact, dexedrine did increase alertness, and motivation, which helped in many subjects i made great grades in. Today im a C student. But i had to stop it because would interfere with emotional life. By the way (it can set off bipolar reactions). Very rarely.
So this is why im looking for other alternatives....wellbutrin...Duplin...anything that will increase my attention span. Already tried stattera up to 40mg, it had Horrible side effects with prozac. My doctor had no idea.
So thats why......
And you know i can deal with out it. I just came to a point, the lord is with me, and if he can heal the sick, he can heal my ADHD.
So just pray that something will go good. Because stimulants are not. I've been off dexedrine 2 years.
Thanks.....please no critism. Im trying to tell you that im getting through life with out a medication that is vitally helpful to me. And its going ...... pretty bad.