Posted by ny2bk on December 17, 2007, at 8:46:09
In reply to Re: Reducing nardil question, posted by Justherself54 on December 17, 2007, at 0:23:42
> > > > > Thought nardil was supposed to help anxiety if anxiety is helped then wouldn't insomnia be as to me they are the same beast. Phillipa
> > > >
> > > > They're not the same. It's true that feeling anxious could interfere with sleep, but insomnia is another animal altogether.
> > > >
> > > > gg
> > >
> > > No kidding gg, nardil induced insomnia is another animal..I'm not anxious when I go to bed..just can't fall asleep easily (and am drugged to the nines) and then wide awake at 3 or 4..frustrating side effect to be sure..
> > > >
> > > >
> > >
> > >
> >
> > I found the worst part of MAOI insomnia is when you never DO get to sleep,then in the morning your,or ill say I AM conflicted as to if i should take my normal morning dose,fore at this point with no sleep i fear it would make me maniac.
> >
> > FYI- I dont wanna post more than is asked,but i will say being on a MAOI for so long ive sorta devised a strategy on attacking the insomnia that rides along with it.
> What is your strategy..I'd really like to know..thanks
NOTE- The post seems to go off topic but does result in whole and full to the sleep issue lol.Well sleep sometimes feels like an enemy,so im not sure i ever seen a 100 percent remedy myself.
However ive come to look at it this way,...i lift weights,and for years i would get stronger,however would not actualy GROW but rather stay the same size.
Sine im obsessive with routines,i would be strict on my workouts,# of sets weight,time of workout etc.
It was only when my illness almost fully disabled me that i HAD to change,and i began lifting when i could,how i could,changing almost every aspect.I began to grow quickly and noticably from 180 to approx 250 which is where im now.
Ok to bring this back to topic,my thinking is sleep remedies,like muscle training,is subject to keeping the mind guessing.
When i would take the same aid such as say ambien,it would quickly POOP OUT,this went for much of most sleep meds.
What i started to do was create a aresanal,it consists of Nuerontion,klonopin,xanax.
I take these three in crumb like increments,first time i take usualy the same amount to create the base,i.e same amount of all three,again in tiny doses.
I lay down,and see if that alone allows me to sleep.If it does not,ill add a tiny pieace of ONE of the three and wait a adequate time,depending on how i feel,maybe 20 min,30,so on.
I continue to do this trying hard to learn to just rest and not think about sleep.Usualy unless a rough night or other situation,the first base dose works.However i almost never add more then a 2nd cycle,meaning,
base dose of three,small increment of just one alone,...second increment of just one alone.
Ive had a friend do this and she was amazed and how more normal her wakening was compared to almost forcing herself to sleep on a single sleep med.
Keep in mind,again i use miniscure amounts,im not looking for the combo to knock me out,instead what i get is when i am mentaly tired i can lay down and my mind wont fight me drifting away.
Common doses i use are
Nuerontion - Chalk tablets of 600 mg which allow me to easly break it apart using small pieaces which i can only assume would be appox 100 mg.
Klonopin - half of a half of a .5 tab
xanax - this is for me a strong sedative,i use at times so small amounts of a 1 mg tab its almost dust.
I know the above might not be the easist to obtain from a doc,but im certain other ones can be used instead,id only strongly recomend nuerontion be in the mix,as well as at least 3 other options.
When i used less,just nuerontion and xanax,well the sleep was just simply harder to achieve,as well as less of a restorive feel to the quality of sleep.
I actualy am planning slowly to add a OTC to it looking at a small amount of a L THEANINE capsule under my tongue.
Sorry for the long post.