Posted by AdamCanada on December 30, 2007, at 16:51:14
Does anyone have experience with this or any suggestions?
On new years eve and after I plan to have a lot of um... you know what. LOTS.
Here's the thing my sex drive exploded when I reduced my paxil from 10mg in the afternoon to 9.25mg in the afternoon. Funny how such a seemingly small change made me horny beyond belief.
But after 1 month around this same dose or 8.75mg I have been feeling worse and my sex drive has plummeted to below average levels AND my mood and motivation seem to be significantly lower as well.
Maybe it's just withdrawl kicking in? I heard it can take a month before witnessing serious withdrawl effects from paxil...
But regarding this one day.... Did anyone just take half of their dose early on in the morning (earlier than my usual time) and have a higher sex drive or easier ability to orgasm?Please share any experiences or information or advice.
Thank you very much for reading. Oh and if anyone knows how to keep that sex drive explosion effect up pls let me know. Maybe I should go back up to 9.25mg? I have no darn idea.