Posted by Gary34 on April 8, 2008, at 13:39:21
I recently started taking Omega-3 for anxiety. It was recommended that I take 3g a day. 1g before breakfast, lunch and supper.
I did this for 8 days and I noticed that I was less anxious. Great.
Day 9 I suddenly started to feel "different" for lack of a better word. I felt heightened anxiety doing normally non-anxious things like working or watching hockey. I am normally anxiety-free on my couch and in my cubicle. It continued to progress and get worse every day until day 13, i had to leave work becuase I was in a constant haze and I was distracted and going up and down with mood swings. One minute I felt spectacular, the next I felt dread.
They were 300mg EPA, 200mg DHA and it was a local natural health food company here in Canada. (Adrien Gagnon)
I stopped taking the Omega-3 supplements and I have gradually started to feel better but its not gone 3 days later and it still affects my moods, but only in the afternoon and I might have possibly linked it to after exercise as well. (when i'm tired?)
Reading about Omega-3 on the web, you'd think it was the best thing since sliced bread but I don't know. Its the only change I made in the last 2 weeks. Nothing else.
(1) Could Omega-3 have caused this heightened (terrible) anxiety?
(2) If so, how long until I get all of this out of my system. I can't function like this.
(3) What is the proper way to take Omega-3 for anxiety.