Posted by Molybdenum on May 16, 2008, at 19:51:52
In reply to Very Much into Suicide.. If anyone can help, posted by Pluto on May 16, 2008, at 10:07:50
Hi Pluto,
Sh*t hey? Ok, well as some have already mentioned, there's a few practical considerations:
1. I don't think anyone who is suicidal wants to end up with brain damage / in a vegetative state that either leaves you unable to think or maybe worse still, unable to finish yourself off properly.
So if you are going to do it, make sure you do it right. That will require a bit of serious thinking & research. There's no hurry, right? I mean, it's not like the opportunity is going to pass you by. This is one train that's never going to leave without you. So you owe it to yourself to have a good think about it.
I have found that planning & researching the topic has made me realise aspects of it that I had otherwise not considered. These 2 books are available as PDFs on torrent sites: [xxx] and [xxx]. Lots of good advice about the different ways you can stuff it up.
Re your pills, you could take a full bottle of every med you mentioned & still not cause death with any certainty. Sorry about that, but the drugs that are used at the Vet to "put down" a suffering animal are just not prescribed for humans any more. So taking all that you mentioned is not going to guarantee a peaceful or even painless or quick death. Sure, you could combine it with "swimming in deep water" for example. But who wants to drown? You don't sound like you want to make your final act an awful experience like that. This isn't something you're going to be able to practice at until you get it right. So please forget about the pills. You'll probably just vomit & then have to come up with some story in order to get new scripts filled. And if someone finds you unconscious, well....where could that lead? A mental hospital? Not my first choice. You might wish you were dead..! (sick joke....;))
2. The trouble with even a painless & clean suicide is that it's going to really upset some people you leave behind. Even if you think they don't care, they just might. They could get quite mentally f*ck*d up about it in the future - maybe for the rest of their lives. And especially kids - nobody wants to be responsible for that. Am I right?
I do believe I know a bit about how you feel. I feel like "Well, I'm not doing them any good like this either". But you really have to be a vindictive, violent and abusive parent to warrant them being better off without you. And you haven't given any indication of being like that. So that's a biggie in my list - not wanting to ruin someone else's life, especially children. Try to imagine what effect it would have had on you?
If you like movies (who doesn't) there's an interesting one you can download at torrent sites (or "rent I suppose") called "The Bridge" which revolves around the lives of those who go jumping in San Francisco. I found it somewhat "confronting" and that surprised me. For example, I'd never thought about the sort of conversations the people I'd leave behind would have after I'm gone. Have you? Quite enlightening. And remember, as far as we know you only get one chance at this, so watching this movie might give you some more useful information to consider. I mean, you sound like an intelligent person who wants to make sure you're doing the right thing. And I'll bet you wouldn't buy a house or a new car without considering all the pros, cons, options & "unknowns". Right? And I'm sure you'll agree this topic rates a little higher than houses & cars.
3. Now I take it that you haven't ALWAYS felt this way. And the last thing you want to do (no pun intended) is kill yourself on a whim, right?
Some days I feel so bad I want to die too. So far I've obviously not done it. I'll maybe take a hefty dose of Xanax & often sleep it off. Our emotions are so easily manipulated by chemicals and your list of meds is impressive. So I would be very suspicious that this combination of meds is in fact really not designed for your particular brain. How can you feel so bad otherwise? So I'd say that you should find a doc that knows brain drugs well. You might feel so much better on a completely different group - maybe even less drugs altogether. So that's point # 3, you really want to make sure that the meds you are on now aren't in fact causing you to feel this way. A lot of people kill themselves while on anti-depressants & benzos. So don't let the bastards at the chemical companies get away with ending your life just because they're inept at their jobs. So you really need to get a very competent doc to review your total meds & the influence it could be having on you. Fair enough?Now, you say that you're not depressed or anxious. But you're taking a lot of drugs that are primarily prescribed for depression, anxiety and to "elevate your mood". I don't mean to argue about how you feel. You feel how YOU FEEL. I just know that I have suffered from depression since I was a kid. I'm 41 now and it's taken me this long to realise how better off I could have felt if I'd been treated with the right meds earlier. Even up to 30, I had still never given anti-depressants a genuine go at relieving how I felt. I just assumed that if they didn't make me feel better in a few weeks, they must be useless. So there's another sad fact - sometimes they take a couple of months to work, and that's assuming the particular ones you're on are right for you - which it sure looks like it isn't the case for you. A good doc will come up with a comprehensive project plan to take you from "how you feel now on those meds" to "feeling better" - maybe on completely different meds. A good doc will know enough about the mechanisms that your current drugs utilise to maybe realise your brain needs a different approach (chemically and/or otherwise). The good news about feeling so bad is that the chances of feeling better with a different treatment are actually quite high. Wouldn't you agree?
So what are you going to do? Have a think and please let us know. There's so many people here who have taken everything you can imagine and with varying degrees of success. Although nobody knows your specific situation & history, they've had a lot of similar feelings I am sure and can offer some very good anecdotal advice and dare I say "support"....! 'Tis true, 'tis true....
Have a good think.
Mr. Be Damned.