Posted by Garnet71 on January 4, 2009, at 10:33:15
In reply to Trouble getting Benzo filled, posted by Neal on January 4, 2009, at 0:47:56
Hi Neal,
I agree with the others about the insurance companies not letting you get the script early.
But I wanted to mention my benzo experiences-I've been traumatized by a doctor refusing to prescribe me a benzo. I had severe anxiety 24/7. It was horrible. It escalated then I was awake for 3 days straight. I called primary doc-asked for 7 days worth of .5 Xanax until my PDoc appointment one week later. She refused. I had to drink 2 whole bottles of wine to try to supress my nervous system at this point because I started losing my mind from no sleep. Finally went to the hospital and they treated me like a drug addict and made me stay there for 10 hours w/o seeing a doctor. Finally in the morning, the hospital's PDOC called in and prescribed me an anthihimstine (so I am accused of being a drug addict) which gives me heart palpitations and I do not take OTC medicine for colds, allergies, anythign. I told the prescribing nurse and she ignored me. I was awake another day and a half. Finally got a few pills of Xanax to sustain me till my PDOc appt, but only after dissasociating from my self. I looked in the mirror and it wasn't me. It was frightening, I was traumatized feelign like I wasn't 'me' and being denied relief from this. I think I have problems now with panic, becuase it is in my mind that docs will let me lose my mind rather than give me one pill of ativan or xanax.
I am outraged at how people who suffer anxiety are treated like drug addicts or children. Anytime I've gone to a PDOC and mentioned taking Ativan in the past, all they think about is "drug seeking behavior" (I've seen it written in the charts). Suffering from severe anxiety is no differnet than screaming out in pain--it is just as torturous. For God's sake, if vitamin E injections stopped my anxiety, I would be seeking that!!!
I tried to get a benzo for a long dental procedure once--was refused. Not even ONE LITTLE PILL. The ones who are crazy are the docs, in my opinion. I've never abused benzos, and stopped takign them on my own when I was prescribed them by one PDOC int he past. The most I ever took was 1.5 milligrams, or .5 3 x day.
I took a 13 hour flight recently--I didn't even ask a doc. I got benzos elsewhere, thankfully. Imagine losing your mind in an airplane because a stupid doctor would not prescribe you a couple of pills. What is the problem with giving a patient a benzo ONCE OR TWICE A YEAR?? It's rediculous. Just becuase others abuse the drugs, people who really need them are denied. I totally blame the doctors, and yes, I very well know the government regulates controlled substances. The doctors use no common sense in making these decisions, and have treated me cruely, barbarically, and like a child over this issue. I am a grandmother.
I'm venting now. But see, others are in the same boat! I am so lucky my anxiety is under control right now because not only do I have to live with the torture and stigma against mentall illness, but I have to live through it being treated like a drug addict, being denied necessary treatment, and treated likea child by doctors.