Posted by rjlockhart04-08 on January 21, 2009, at 16:04:16
Hi....i mean hello, rj is back.
Listen, i gotta make this quick, but i can't call a danm therpist, because they move at their own pace, they can't be there.
Wheewww....gotta, slow down, alright. I make "impluse" over "impulse" desions, when i do stuff, today. I work, but you see.....
Let me give an example.....someone asks you to do something that is mmmmm pretty simple. You do ok, then get confused, ask again, i'm not absorbing infomation. The result, i go into adrenaline release, fight or flight actions, doing stuff that is not safe, but it's to get the Job done. When an average....person would be so simple, and not one ounce of chaos.
No more asking for advice, but i do thank Racer, Jay Brave, yzxbow, and alot of poster's, who seriously took their time to give "long" out of their, way, to help, and you know i want to thank you so much. It's no one's fault, exept mine.
i've heard of MRI's that scan while the brain is thinking, seeing where the bloodflow is going, in sections of the certral cortex, prefrountal cortex. And see where "is" this simple info, is going
In some situations, i made it so complicated, it was unsolvable, but somehow.....i dont know how but my mind found a "ingenious" method, of finishing it, but that's why i am always over-headed, look like i've been tramatized, well....i just inflict trama on myself, because i dont understand some aspect's about reality, which makes "normal" functioning, people irritated, and subcoucioual rejection. Now i'm seeing some of the problem.
I'm in my early 20's now, started posting when i was 16. But, high school (long ago) was easy, but the last years where horrible, and i throught i was going to have a mental breakdown.
Well...i'm sorry rj, you had many of them afer 2007. Well, when something is destroyed, the mind can still be "salvageable" because, of nuerogenesis, where the brain is aware of it's self, and repairs or even makes a "devine, or better". I know it can happen, a breakdown sometimes is the best because it's "starting" over, with past experience.
But still, i'm changing my apperance, alot for some reason. Dont know why.'s better than when i was 18.
I gotta go, but this place is better than wasting time, when you can't think of what to say to a therpist. Psychiatrist is better because at the, they can help with substance to "hold" the mind, until it reaches "normality"
Just popped in my head : Alot of people, try to be more better than normal, as some delusion, and it makes them crazy, not with reality "their own world".
I dont, i just want to reach "average". But, i look alot diffrent and act diffrent than any average person.
I gotta go! thank you all, we can maybe start a self-group to help eachother in areas.