Posted by JadeKelly on February 21, 2009, at 22:50:33
In reply to Re: INVEGA side effects - im very scared now, posted by SLS on February 21, 2009, at 14:01:58
> Hi Jeroen.
> > im only on abilify atm, the psychosis wont go away, i only can recover MAYBE by taking large seroquel dosage, but i wont do this in the hospital, i find it very disturbing my situation
> You might want to try increasing the dosage of Abilify first. You're right there, you might as well do the simplest thing first.
> From the outside looking in, it often appears that you jump from drug to drug without having a plan.
> Schizophrenia takes longer to respond to an antipsychotic than does bipolar disorder or depression. You need to stay on these drugs longer if you want them to work.
> Now, from the inside looking out, I really don't know the degree to which you have developed a methodical plan to get well. I am not in your shoes.
> Please think about the Abilify. 10mg just ain't enough for treating schizophrenia.
> Try not to get mad at me. I'm trying to use all of what little I know to help you.
> One way or the other, you will find the right treatment. In the meantime, try not to feel desperate all of the time. It will cause you to make impulse decisions and not give these drugs enough time to work. Expect to feel bad for some period of time to come. I know what it is like to do anything to stop the pain. I used to make impulsive decisions. I would run to the medicine cabinet and desperately self-medicate to try to capture relief. I wish I could convey to you just how well I understand not having the patience to let drugs work. I remember once giving Marplan exactly 14 days to work. When I felt nothing, I wanted to hurry up and go back to Nardil because I thought it would help me more than it did the time before. Stupid.
> - Scott
>Hi Jeroen,
I'm trying again. Scott usually is right unfortunately for the rest of us. I just wanted to pass along a couple of things. Not suggesting anything cause I don't know what you've tried.
First, my teenage son has rapid onset, rapid cycling bi-polar 1. He's been hospitalized many times, for that and he has lung disease. But for the Bi-polar 1 what " worked" was riperdal, abilify, and haldol. During that time I felt I had lost my son. I told them to take him off all of them. He was back to himself, with crazy episodes every 3 weeks or so. Violent episodes.
I asked them what the mildest a/p was and the said Seraquel. He's already on 1500mg of depakote for epilepsy so that doubles as a mood stabilizer. We really have no choice there. So he takes 1500mg Depakote, and 300mg Seraquel although I understand you can go much higher.Another thing I faound out recently by accident, his doc didn't even know when he prescribed it, Seraquel at higher doses (300+) has anti-depressive properties. My son had recently come to me and said how he'd been feeling "happy". He never does that!
Now hes had 2 grand mal siezures in the last couple months which can bring on the bi-polar again. So we may have to raise that Seraquel.
Finally, for reasons I won't go into, I was in a deep dark hole of nasty depression that stared a couple years ago. I was in bed for a year. I got so desperate I decided I wanted a med I'd been seeing on Babble (before I joined). I was on it when I met Scott and Phillipa, and Scott talked me into staying on thru all kind of hateful side effects, haha. I stayed on that dam* med for almost 3 months befor I got a full response! I know crazy, huh? Finally, it set in, big time. I am a different, happy person.
I geuss what I'm saying is try to listen to Scott. As far as patience goes. If a med has real promise, stay with it!!
Now when I took one SSRI, I knew never again. I became paranoid, etc. Thats no good. But things like insomnia, nausea, headache, fatigue, those things will go away over time. With my med, the worst was the insomnia. Now, I sleep like a baby.
Okay, well, I hope you feel better. I hope I helped some. My son hated the hospital too.
~Jade ;-)
ps-I'll see what I can find out about Invega, okay? Must be new because I looked it up before I posted and there are no "real" patient complaints. I'll post ya back if I find anything.