Posted by Meltingpot on March 6, 2009, at 13:13:51
I was just wondering what are the worst things people have said to you when you have complained about your depression or other symptoms. Here are some of mine:-
"Well we all get depressed, some of it just fight it better"
"Tell me, what would you be doing if you weren't depressed?"
"You are stopping yourself from enjoying yourself"
"Well your obviously not coping with it very well are you" - When I told a mental health nurse that I had been coping with my depression.
"You can't just keep popping pills"
"You're just a very unhappy person like lots of people out there"
"You are after something that doesn't exist"
"You are stopping the drugs from working by telling yourself they aren't going to work"
"I'm not going to prescribe anything for you, I think you should try a more holistic approach" - This is after I'd told the guy that I'd had a lot of suicidal urges, had been retching, hadn't slept for three nights, was pacing etc.
Just wondered what other people's pet hates were.