Posted by myco on March 9, 2009, at 11:22:31
In reply to Re: Couple studies on inverse relationship of DA + SE, posted by Alexanderfromdenmark on March 9, 2009, at 9:37:18
> What are your benefits and side effects from your own experience with MAOI? How long did it take to work for you? I'm young, so even though depression sucks as much for me, I can still ride it out a bit longer while I'm trying different methods.
Benefit vs side effects - no contest at all.
Anxiety is a huge part of my symptomology (atyp dep/sad/gad) and Nardil does the trick at quashing this nicely.As for benefits: I can read better, focus better, interpret and carry ideas better, I can be out in public without my typical anxiety sweats and near panicky demeanor, I can carry a convo with strangers and not have every muscle in my body tense up, I don't 'blush' as easy when confronted about sexuality, I get along better with family (huge improvement here).
As for sides: Well I ran the whole gamet of sides when I first started. But these pass, they aren't long term issues (most anyway). Long terms sides that remain are insomnia (this will eventually pass I've heard; they make meds and other things to help this), some weight gain (nardil has been shown to affect the deposition and breakdown of adipose tissue - fat)...but I am still kinda lazy and eat carbs voraciously - I can work on that. That's all that remains of my sides. I dont even "feel" nardil in me physically anymore. In order to see what it is doing I have to pay attention to the changes in my behaviours - example: hmm I was just able to sit and have a convo with this person and I didnt react anxiously at all - whats up with that - oh nardil ok. Hmm how come I can walk down the street with head up and eye contact on most people I pass and not sweat and tense up - nardil lol. It's this kind of thing. It just feels like a long term med to me - totally unlike any ssri Ive taken which I suffered sides through entire treatment.
Time to work varies on individual but with each dose increase (including the first starting dose), you can expect 2 weeks or so of sides before some stabilization occurs...then most people will continue to raise for sustained effect. Everytime you raise the dose the sides come back then subside again (it's a cycle)...until you stabilize (more good days then bad).
Well worth the effort in my opinion