Posted by bleauberry on June 23, 2009, at 18:09:35
In reply to NYT: Report on Gene for Depression Is Now Faulted, posted by floatingbridge on June 17, 2009, at 20:52:29
I can't help but laugh at the stupidity and arrogance of academia when they attempt to nail down a cause for depression.
Depression has existed since the beginning of time and has more causes than we can count. Some are psychological, some are biological, and most are probably both feeding on each other in a viscious circle. The subset population that is pbabble I believe is mostly biological. But even if we narrow it down to just that, the biological causes of depression are many.
There are dozens of genes that could be involved, ranging everywhere from things like B vitamins, methylation, detoxification, enzymes that limit how much protein gets turned into neurotransmitters, which neurotransmitters, genes involved with sunlight and daily rythym, thyroid functioning, adrenal gland functioning, insults from a tumor somewhere in the body, on and on. Lead, mercury, alumiminum, heavy metal accumulation in the brain receptors. An organism disrupting the normal function of enzymes and neurotransmitter, ala Babesiosis, Erlichiosis, Bartonella, Mycoplasma, STARI, Tularemia (the previous are Lyme co-infectiosn), Borreliosis (Lyme), Clamydia, Epstein Bar Virus, parasites, Candida, on and on. Deficient blood flow to the brain. Inflammation of the brain. I mean, there is lots that can go wrong, but the end result is the same...the person is depressed when the brain cannot function properly. There are so many things that can impact the brain from somewhere else in the body.
For academia scientists to try to pinpoint some specific gene involved in depression has got to be a joke. I mean, these people get paid how much money to think up such stupid things instead of researching real stuff?
For example, why don't they come up with a quick way to check brain blood flow and inflammation. How about identifying the biotoxins secreted by organisms such as Lyme and Candida and develop a medicine that neutralizes those chemicals. Just for starters. Get that done and there is lots more. But to look for a specific gene? Sigh.