Posted by psyclist123 on July 31, 2009, at 14:53:52
This is what an English GP prescribed for a close relative. She is prone to states of semi-catatonia. She is in the process of losing her mind. She has a lot of pain following extensive bowel surgery, now has a permanent ileostomy after a number of ileostomies, colostomies and reversals. She was originally diagnosed with bowel cancer. I think her pain is caused by adhesions. Anyway this is what she has:
Diazepam 2mg one three times daily
Temazapam 10mg take THREE at night
Dihydrocodeine 30mg ONE to TWO FOUR times DAILY WHEN REQUIRED
Temgesic 200 mgm sublingual ONE to TWO FOUR times DAILY WHEN REQUIRED
Paracetamol 500mg TWO FOUR times DAILY
Co-Proxamol 32.5mg/325mg ONE to TWO FOUR times DAILY WHEN REQUIRED
This is the medication that is available, ALL of which she has in a small box in her bedroom. I do not know what she takes exactly. She could take more or less than the prescribed amounts, I do not know. What I do know is she walks around in a stupor and makes little conversation and then only in monosyllables.I would be grateful if anyone can express an opinion, that is a well-founded opinion, on this medication. Thanks.