Posted by shasling on August 5, 2009, at 16:55:56
One poster to the previous thread stated they believe maois arent given due to insurance reasons.I dont buy that,i know with scheldule drugs like xanax,and amphetamines its an issue,however i believe the main issues with p docs not using maois are these
1.Most docs are plain and simply younger and have little to no experiance with them,so they figure why use a med as such when i can instead use these tons of meds i know about fully.
2.Money,maois arent bringing in any sales people,whether people want to believe it or not,sales people have a big impact on the minds of these docs,they go in with heavy aresnal and make the doc almost itchy to use their med.
One doc told me she was fired from patents because her insurance went up when she used xanax,xanax unlike maois have a huge street reputation.
You will hear of "buying xanax bars" in the park long before you hear "oh i bought a maoi in the park"
Maois need to be re adjusted and put back mainstream we need more options then ssris or ssnris or ss whatever !