Posted by BearNCrow on October 15, 2009, at 21:11:52
I'm bipolar and was rapid cycling in July and August. Finally got stabilized except for my anxiety which was becoming crippling. Lost my job two weeks ago. Hated my job so I was somewhat relieved, except now there is considerable financial stress in my life.
Experienced a respite from the crippling anxiety up until a few days ago. Depression and anxiety have been creeping in to my existence at a constant and frighteningly quick pace. I'm sure part of it is from being unemployed and bored. Part of it too is from dealing with impending change and transition -- moving from Los Angeles to Cincinnati, looking for a new job there, being apart from my partner for 5 months.
Didn't want to get out of bed today but forced myself out of fear that I would be up all night. Not being able to sleep at night pretty much is like terrorizing me. Was feeling fear and anxiety and depression all day. Was doing some research on the job market in Cincinnati. Felt overcome by hopelessness and feelings of being overwhelmed. Had a panic attack -- drenching sweats, shallow and rapid breathing, feeling like everything was closing in on me, feeling like all of my senses went wacky on me.
I paged my doctor and she told me to take a klonopin. Also am (finally) increasing my Lexapro from 5mg to 10mg. She has kept it so low because the Paxil I was on made me manic, and I have had insomnia lately, so she is worried about the Lexapro being elevated too quickly. So I have to watch my sleep and irritability and any other signs of mania. Am taking 1mg klonopin 3 times a day for the next week or so. I have surgery next Friday so I will probably do it through the surgery to treat anxiety. My doctor plans on increasing my Lexapro again after a few weeks if all goes well.
I want nothing more than to keep the depression and anxiety at bay. I have way too much to do in my life right now to have to deal with mood instability! I know...I's an illness and can't always be avoided. The klonopin should ward off any panic attacks I hope as does my doctor.
What do people think of Lexapro as an anti-depressant/anti-anxiety medication for people who are bipolar? I am also taking Lithium 1800mg, Risperdal 6mg and Klonopin 2mg (when I'm not taking 3mg like I am currently). And what is this Parnate that so many of you are talking about? Are my meds a good combo for me or should I be talking to my doctor about other options? I just want the depression and anxiety to turn right around and go away!
I strongly feel the need to be stabilized by January 1 when I make the big move. I anticipate an Ohio winter to be a challenge on my depression -- that and all the other changes I'll be delaing with that I mentioned above. So this gives me 2 1/2 months to try and find the right medication combination. Oy.