Posted by floatingbridge on November 14, 2009, at 18:19:25
In reply to Re: Peter Breggin, posted by Katgirl on November 14, 2009, at 15:42:05
Thanks for posting. For a long time, I felt less of a person as well. I still sometimes do. I'm very sorry that you got this message from your husband.
I think the anti-med fanatics really hurt people more than help. They instill fear rather than invite fruitful discussion and reflection on what may be best for any given individual. And there is enough stigma already to deal with!
And welcome--as Scott said, there are lots of wise and knowledgeable people here willing to share their experience.
take care,
> Is this guy one of the "anti-medication" experts? Take care before throwing your medications away. My ex-husband spent our entire marriage insisting I was less than because I took 10-20mg of Paxil. I was inundated with books and articles by people like this. The fact that I had such bad withdrawal from Paxil seemed to prove their point. HOWEVER, after going through prolonged paxil withdrawal even after the slowest reduction EVER, I ended up in a treatment resistant depression because my brain/body could no longer tolerate any of the medications. I spent two years in abject hell, and another three in moderate hell after a semi successfull course of rTMS that at least gave me enough biochemical stability on which to build from. I am much much much better than I was, but nowhere near normal when it comes to anxiety levels. I have to stay on a very rigid schedule to have anywhere close to normal funcitioning. I would like to go back to school or God forbid, date some day but that is out of the question with my anxiety. I pray in my lifetime that either a new medication will come along that I can take or that I will very slowly continue to make progress. I am an odd case when it comes to this subject, because yes, in my case I DO think that paxil (or rather withdrawal to it) did profoundly alter my brain chemistry in that I no longer react to any medications the way I used to. So yes, the drugs have dangers, I whole heartedly beleive that. But if I could go back in time you can bet that I would have stayed on my little bitty does of 10mg paxil for the rest of my life and been able to actually LIVE a full life.