Posted by linkadge on April 7, 2010, at 17:35:36
In reply to Re: Zoloft-Anti-Cancer Mechanisms, posted by topcatclr on April 7, 2010, at 0:05:10
>I think your are over-thinking it linkadge! This >is not less stress from something harmful to the >body, in my opinion. More like a chemical >meditation. Jesus, can you just accept that meds >are not the Devil
I disagree entirely. I think you are **underthinking** it. Stress is only *one* risk factor for cancer. I can't say (off the top of my head) how stress compares to any other risk factor for cancer.
Plenty of stress free people get cancer. Think of it this way. Some of the things that help combat stress actually are tumor promoters. Take sex hormones, for instance. Higher levels of certain sex hormones are actaully protective against depressive disorders. Yet, they are actually tumor promoters. Estrogen and DHEA are examples. SSRI's are neuroendocrine disruptors. Serotonin has convergent effects (in many ways) with estrogen which is a tumor promoter. For instance, both SSRI's and estrogen increase BCL-2 which enhances cellular resilliance. Antidepressants cellualr actions are not confined to the brain. Antidepressants can also boosts the levels of certain sex hormones like estrogen and DHEA. Some of the very targets of the antidepressants are to increase neuronal proliferation and reduce cellular death. SSRI's enhance intracellular signalling cascades like protein kinase C which can promote tumor growth. Take the anti-cancer drug tamoxafin. It lowers protein kinase c in cancer cells (and in the brain) which helps trigger cancer cell death. But, it can also induce depression (or an anti manic effect) in the process.
SSRI's also increase levels of several other cellular growth factors like VEGF, FGF-2 and IGF. VEGF increases blood vessle formation. Cancer cells are made more reisistant by the application of VEGF in vivo. They become more resistant because they derive more blood vessle supplies from about them.
In many ways, anti cancer therapies have sought to do the exact oposite biochemically. That is, lower VEGF, reduce PKC and reduce BCL-2 levels.
Norepinephrine is also a tumor promoter. The noradrenergic drugs may increase the biochemical activity of norepinephrine. Remember, the drugs' activities are not confined to the brain. What it makes you feel like is independant of the effects it is having throughout your body.
There are other things I mentioned too. Like, what effect reducing melatonin excretion will have. What about reducing HGH, or testosterone. SSRI's alter immune function in wierd and wonderful ways too. What affect does inducing apathy on the risk of cancer? What about the effects of a drug that removes joy from ones life? (I.e. do the drugs even work?). People who have regular sex have lower risks of cancer. Powerful hormones are released during orgasm. If SSRI's abolish a decent sex life, what effect does this have on your risk of cancer?
Dispite their purported ability to reduce stress, some SSRI' have not been shown to consistently reduce cortisol. In this study, SSRI's increased both thyroid and cortisol.
Whats the net effect?? Who knows.
Next, dopamine acts to inhibit tumor growth. Do a google search on "dopamine + cancer". It seems that dopamine agonists appear to supress, while dopamine antagonists (or functional dopamine antagonists?) appear to increase cancer risk. See:
Mice with high dopamine have reduced incidence of cancer.
So, if SSRI's reduce, or deplete dopamine neurotransmission, what effect might this have on the development or progression of cancer?
This sertaline study is taken out of context. Just because the drug delivered in vitro kills some cancer cells, does not mean its over all effect is a reduced risk of cancer. When the drug is added to the entire body, all sorts of changes take place.
So to summarize...................who the f*ck knows? Just because the drug calms you down.....